The relation of design flood peak discharge rate to collecting area in Nenjiang River basin was discussed in this paper. 影响河流设计暴雨洪峰流量的自然地理因素较多,归纳起来主要有气候、暴雨、土质、土壤、植被及地形。
Relation of Design Flood Peak Discharge Rate to Collecting Area in Nenjiang River Basin 嫩江流域设计洪峰流量与流域面积的关系
The benefits of the projects of rainfall collecting and water keeping in hilly slopeland of Sichuan Basin are evaluated through the examples of Fuxing town, Zhongjiang county. 以中江县富兴镇为例,对四川盆地丘陵坡地集雨蓄水工程的综合效益进行分析。
The ebinur lake wetland natural reserve district is located the northwest arid area in china and in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, is the lowest depression and water-salt collecting center in the west Junggar Basin. 艾比湖湿地自然保护区位于我国西北干旱区,新疆维吾尔自治区境内,是准噶尔盆地西部最低洼地和水盐汇集中心。
Discussing on the local stability of steel collecting basin with ribbed slab 钢水槽加肋局部稳定计算分析